Moving Your Office Next Year? DON’T…
Until You Read This First

Moving is always a big pain for those involved, but it doesn’t have to be a horrific, expensive experience. The number one complaint from someone who’s experienced a “bad” move is, “I didn’t know I needed to…” followed closely by “I completely forgot that…” In other words, it’s what you don’t do that makes the move a disaster.

To make your move easy and effortless, here are the 4 most common mistakes to avoid:

Mistake #1 - Not Using A Checklist

This may seem like a no-brainer to those who manage projects, but project management may not be the forte of someone placed in charge of your move (like an office admin). Even those who use a list typically fail to make the list detailed enough.

Mistake #2 - Trying To Save Money By Moving Your Own Computer Network

Don’t ask your staff to disconnect, move and reconnect computers, phones and other devices just to save a few bucks. You’ll frustrate them and end up with phones ringing at the wrong extension, lost cables, and workstations that get dropped rendering them useless. You don’t want to let the movers do this job either; they may be great at moving furniture, but a network is a lot more sophisticated and sensitive. Be smart and hire an IT pro to pack.

Mistake #3 - Not Hiring The RIGHT IT Firm To Move Your Network

Make sure you know what to look for when outsourcing the move. A few things to look for would include references from other clients, proof of insurance, a service level guarantee limiting the amount of time you are down, and a professional, organized approach to quoting the move. A real pro will insist on visiting your current location as well as your new location to conduct a detailed site survey. NEVER hire anyone who wants to quote moving your network over the phone. Additionally, look for an IT company that will apply the charges for conducting your site survey against the total cost of the move if you choose them.

Mistake #4 - Not Giving Your Phone, Internet And Cable Vendors Enough Advance

80% of unexpected communications, blackouts and cost overruns on network moves are caused by failure to properly plan voice, data and electrical installation in advance. Just because the prior tenant had computers and telephones is no guarantee that the cabling is suitable for your phones and your computer network. Advance planning will help you avoid emergency rush fees or band aid fixes to make things work.

Internet and telephone connections require as much as six weeks advance notice to be installed, tested and ready the day you move in.

And if you are building a new office, don’t leave it up to the builder to decide how many power outlets, network and phone connections you will need. Remember, changes and additions after the walls are up are at your expense. With printers, scanners, faxes, and other technologies connecting directly to the network these days, the rule of thumb of one electrical outlet, one phone and one network connection per employee is woefully outdated.

If you are planning on moving, contact us for our FREE Office Move Toolkit. You’ll receive:

  • “The Office Relocation Planner,” which is a step-by-step guide for relocating your office and updating your office systems.
  • FREE Office Move Checklist to make sure you don’t overlook important actions.
  • FREE Site Survey and Network Move Plan. At no charge we’ll map out your move, to minimize costs and downtime.

To Receive a FREE Move Toolkit Today
Complete The Form On This Page Or
Give Us A Call at (301) 658-7499

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Move Toolkit

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